Taxi fatigue
Jimmy at the book store purchasing native language Bibles
Joshua purchasing native language Bibles in Kampala
village Church parking
Pastor Jimmy explaining how "Bibles for Uganda" operates
Joshua-----ready to teach
Joshua teaching on "atonement"---a doctrine lost to many Ugandans
a tough lesson on New Testament giving
praying for the sick according to James 5:14-15
donor and recipient
this woman gets about on a tricycle with a hand crank
one BFU donor from the U.S. makes a huge difference
this woman faithfully attended to the needs of the saints throughout the conference
faithful donors from the United Kingdom
a great smile says it all
young man with his new English Bible----U.K. donors
.bright eyes with which to read her new native language Bible and a photo to remember her donors from the
Twenty three miles down a dusty road to the village venue
Dear mom,
Hope you are doing a little beter these days. We had a very succesful and exciting trip to Lusenke on Monday when we went with Joshua to pay for a piece of property for that village saints. It was all joy and excitment both from the church and us after paying for that piece of property in the memory of my dear dad [the late Ronald Shelton]. The property is along the village highway which makes it easy to acces by everyone. This place will serve a lot of people who will be comming to worship and to learn God's word. Lusenke village near the shores of lake Victoria about half a km to the lake. The leading team told me that they have already begin to clear the property. Mom, the joy this saints have is just too much beyond my explanation. They are singing and dancing with great joy. The church is now under full leadership of NTFI/BFU, We have named it (THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST AT LUSENKE) And We will do whatever is required to ensure that they are deeply rooted in the truth. Son Jimmy
Elders marking forward land corners along the road-----easy access for worshipers. The land is nearly 150 feet deep.
Making payment for land----local magistrate witnessing transaction from motor-bike
Magistrate signing Transfer Papers
Examining cash notes to ensure they are not counterfeit
Joshua with grateful Saints
Thanks to a merciful Lord
Thank you Sister Catherine------we LOVE YOU!!!
the dirt taken from the pit will be used to construct reinforced mud privacy walls about the latrine
Pastor Bishop Bita [Jimmy] in the Pit
preparing food for the workers
marking the land---Joshua at corner left
Jimmy with Elder Women
Jimmy at the side entrance
greatful Elders
Joshua, Jimmy and driver leaving the village for home. Uganda Public Transportation--------always reliable!
I started my journey early in the morning on Saturday 17th Boading the first taxi (14 passager van) from Entebbe to Kampala. Then a scond one from Kampala to Bugiri town, then a boda-boda to Namayingo our final destination in a village church house where I had the ground work meeting with the organizing team.
headed for the village
I arive at 11:00am and found when the pastors and elders had already arived from diferent villages and sub-counties. It was a great pleasure and joy for all of them to recieve me. We then started our meeting right away. After dedicating our meeting into the hands of God in a short prayers, three pastors stood up to testify/give a good report to the team about BFU and their teachings. They talk about the way brother Danny, pr Jimmy and Joshua blessed their lives and opened their eyes last year by their deep explanations and detailed teachings of scriptures with much love. They also mentioned the unbelieveble and special consideration to poor pastors and Church leaders who don't have and those who have very old and delapidated bibles by NTFI/BFU and gave each of them a very high quality brand new bibles. This ministry has challenged them a lot to always spend time in studying the scriptures by themselve in order for them to have the rightful knowlage of the truth of God's word and that is the reason why they have been praying to God for another opportunity to host BFU conference.
conference begins
Jimmy [white shirt] with organizers
this small group will grow to over 200 Pastors and Church leaders meeting in June-----it's amazing
Kijagajo village, Buswale sub-county, Namayingo district.
Pastor Bishop Bita James Oloo
We traveled safely with Joshua from Entebbe on 22rd. We boaded our first taxi [16 passenger van] from Entebbe to Kampala then another to Bugiri where we met the pastors/elders who came from Kamuli. We all then took a boda boda with all our stufs (bibles,generator, lantern and our clothes in other bags], riding 25kms [18 miles] on a dusty village road to to the venue in Kijagajo village, Buswale sub-county, Namayingo district.
We were welcomed with a great joy by the pastors who were already at the conference ground waiting for us. On 23rd which was our first day of the conference, president Museveni had come to Namayingo town. and many people had gone to see him. So the turn up was very low,about 63 pastors. After giving a full and detailed information about NTFI/BFU, We went on with the teachings. We handled several topics as we go on, like "who are you", tith and "giving" in the NT church, grace, repentance, the cross and blood, identity of an active village pastor/elder, foot washing and praying for the sick according to the James.
The turn up increased from 63 to 150 to 170 to 200 and 250 on the last day. 33 different village churches was represented. A minimum of 5
leaders from every church. We had more than enough food that everyone enjoyed a real village meal at the conference. We even had some beans and flour left after the conference, which they packed for me and Joshua. The village organizers collected some food but they needed more help from us.
Most of them who attended recieved the word with great joy apart from some few who opossed us strongly when we talked about TITH. As usual we were touching on the pastors wallet. There is a challenging situation in the church of this district, whereby every denomination thinks that they are the only ones with the right doctrine. Someting which has caused a great division among the churches and leaders. Yet they all lack the truth of Gods word. Another serious problem is the false prophets/maniplators who come from Kenya to manipulate and mislead the churches in many diference ways. Kenya has the highest population of prosperity pimps, false prophets and cultism in east africa. The holy spirit helped us to handle these isues through a carefuly studay of the scriptures and the pastors/elders were helped a lot to get to know the truth of God's word. They all testified that the conference has helped a lot to open their eyes truth. Son Jimmy