June 2014 quarterly report
Pastor Bishop Bita James Oloo
We traveled safely with Joshua from Entebbe on 22rd. We boaded our first taxi [16 passenger van] from Entebbe to Kampala then another to Bugiri where we met the pastors/elders who came from Kamuli. We all then took a boda boda with all our stufs (bibles,generator, lantern and our clothes in other bags], riding 25kms [18 miles] on a dusty village road to to the venue in Kijagajo village, Buswale sub-county, Namayingo district.
Bishop Pastor Bita [Jimmy] arriving at the conference
Pastor Mukisa Joshua arriving at the conference
Reserved Parking for Pastors
We were welcomed with a great joy by the pastors who were already at the conference ground waiting for us. On 23rd which was our first day of the conference, president Museveni had come to Namayingo town. and many people had gone to see him. So the turn up was very low,about 63 pastors. After giving a full and detailed information about NTFI/BFU, We went on with the teachings. We handled several topics as we go on, like "who are you", tith and "giving" in the NT church, grace, repentance, the cross and blood, identity of an active village pastor/elder, foot washing and praying for the sick according to the book of James in the New Testament.
Opening the conference-----Pastor Joshua
The turn up increased from 63 to 150 to 170 to 200 and 250 on the last day. 33 different village churches was represented. A minimum of 5 leaders from every church. We had more than enough food that everyone enjoyed a real village meal at the conference. We even had some beans and flour left after the conference, which they packed for me and Joshua. The village organizers collected some food but they needed more help from us.
meal preparation for over 200 guests
more plates needed
sacks of cassava flour [dried and ground roots of the Cassava Bush] to make Posha
serving food at lunch time-------rice and beans------------next day, beans and rice
Bishop Bita teaching amongst the Church
Women's gathering
the Conference proceeds with teaching from Pastor Bishop Bita [Jimmy]
an evening conversation between Pastors-----Pastor Bishop Bita in tee shirt
Most of them who attended recieved the word with great joy apart from some few who opossed us strongly when we talked about TITH. As usual we were touching on the pastors wallet. There is a challenging situation in the church of this district, whereby every denomination thinks that they are the only ones with the right doctrine. Someting which has caused a great division among the churches and leaders. Yet they all lack the truth of Gods word. Another serious problem is the false prophets/maniplators who come from Kenya to manipulate and mislead the churches in many diference ways. Kenya has the highest population of prosperity pimps, false prophets and cultism in east africa. The holy spirit helped us to handle these isues through a carefuly studay of the scriptures and the pastors/elders were helped a lot to get to know the truth of God's word. They all testified that the conference has helped a lot to open their eyes truth. [continued below]
Now it is time for the Central purpose of our ministry
We distribute 100 native language Bibles, each quarter of the year, to Pastors and Church Elders whose own Bibles have become delapidated from many years of use. Our Bibles have a tough leather-like cover with a sturdy zipper for years and years of use.
100 new Bibles waiting to meet their new owners
Pastor Bishop Bita [Jimmy] explains how money for "Bibles for Uganda" is raised using photos of our exhibit at the Augusta GA market
Pastor Joshua working on the recipient list
my very own
"take this Gospel to all nations"
the smile says it all
worth the long trip
tool of the trade
a wonderful gift from friends in the United Kingdom
Although the number was big, we lifted our voices and everyone in the house was able to hear us loud and clear so we did not use the PA system. Our lantern was very helpful during the night, as it worked so
well for the six nights we spend there to give light to more than 25 pastors and elders who spent the night at the church house during all the nights of the conference. It was a great moment during the bible drive. My camera battery went low due to the large number of Bible photos we had to take. The generator was the most important machine for our bible drive to continue. We turned it on and charged the camera and then the drive continued. The Bibles were the first and most preciouse gift to the pastors and leaders. ''A bible is the most important tool to every pastor, leader and every christian in the village, yet it is very expensive and is rarely found in the remote places of Uganda'', says the village pastors.
They also said that the gift of Bibles which have been given is more inportant and special than gating a gift a huge bull [cow]. They all gave praise to God and pledge a make a good use of their new bibles and always spend time studing to avoid being decieved. They also thanked us so much so much as we represent the entire NTFI/BFU and promise to always pray for our ministry, missions, vissions and all our donors. We then knelt down infront of the congrigation and they offered a sincere prayers to God for us on behalf of NTFI/BFU.
Jimmy and Pastors with new Bibles
Joshua and Pastors with new Bibles
Joshua and Pastors with new Bibles
Then we closed the conference by praying for them as well. They asked us to remeber them again and go back with the great encouraging and teachings which God has apointed us to take to the village church. Every city preachers who go to them, always go to maniplate and steal even the little they have. Due to that fact, they are conviced that BFU is a God sent mission to help the village churches back to the truth of his word.
We spend another night there because it was already late and its dificult to get boda-bodas in this village. The following morning on Saturday 29th, we got three boda boda which took seven of us with all our stufs to Bugiri. I paid them using money I was left with, then when we reached Bugiri town. I got the money gram and gave the Kamuli pastors trasport fee to take them up to home. Then we also procced safly with Joshua back home. I found Regina and the kids are fine when I get home. But I got a serious chest pain again from Sunday evening. Now am feeling beter. Son Jimmy
We sincerely regret that we cannot present the Foot washing and Healing services because of Camera Failure. This is always an important feature of every conference. Danny McDowell [chairman]
Lusenke Project report [continued]
Church house construction
Friday July 18
To see the very beginning of this project-----click below and scroll, it's a great story.
This morning a pick up car arived at the church site loaded with the iron sheets [corrugated roofing]. The trill, dancing, praises to God and the joy of the Church is beyond my explanation. Roofing is now going on. half way is already done. Son Jimmy
Lusenke Church-house construction
Friday, July 25th, 2014
Dear dad and all our friends,
Am so glad to let you know that the work in Lusenke is going on very well and its now in a final stage.
This time when I recieved again another great donation funds from my American Mom (sis Catherine Shelton), I managed to travel together with my son/partner pr Josua Mukisa to Lusenke to continue with the church house and Latrine contruction project. Within two weeks time, we were able to work on the house by the help of some trained village builders. Working from the first step of cutting the poles up to the iron roofing. As you can see in the photos.
Roof timbers
Roof timbers
preparing poles for the superstructure
preparing poles for the superstructure
poles for superstructure
poles for superstructure
placing the verticals
placing the verticals
vertical poles set
vertical poles set
team preparing food for workers
team preparing food for workers
the African tradition----cooking on the ground
the African tradition----cooking on the ground
fetching water
fetching water
the former church house from which they were evicted by the owner
the former church house from which they were evicted by the owner
setting the roof structure
setting the roof structure
the trusses are set
the trusses are set
starting to look like a roof
starting to look like a roof
the roofing corrugated sheets arrive
the roofing corrugated sheets arrive
the roof is ready to be covered
the roof is ready to be covered
Bishop driving the first nail of the roof
driving the first nail of the roof
moving along
moving along
ready for Sunday morning worship--------don't ya love that ladder----I think you can get one at COSTCO
ready for Sunday morning worship--------don't ya love that ladder----I think you can get one at COSTCO
We left their on 19th last Saturday in the evening after the roofing was done. I talked to the pastor on phone on Sunday evening after their Sunday morning Church meeting. The first church meetng in the new church house, they told me that ten people joined the church that day. The church which used to have only five members for over two and a half years and met under a small structure made of dry banana leaves and grass, then moved to their own piece of land under a jack tree, now has more than 15 members and meets in a well built and wonderful iron roofed house on their own piece of land purchased by Mzungu Mom Catherine. The joy, happines, praises to God and celebrations this church has I have never seen it before. They say ''its like a dream to them". This is the greatest celebration and special gift the Lusenke christians have ever seen. We all wish Ronald [the late Ronald Shelton] was alive and could be here together with his Catherine to celebrate with us and for everyone to see them physicaly!
Special HONOR to our beloved brother Ronald who went to be with the lord and to our beloved mom Catherine, for making this posible. Special thanks to our beloved Danny as well, for introducing us to many diferent beloving and suportive brethren from USA,UK and others. You will always remain in the hearts of Lusenke church forever. Even our children will live to tell the Lusenke testimony.
They are now working on the wall,leveling the floor and the compound. Am planing to go back, buy some timbers and make some benches because they are already in need of more seats. I will also work on the wall and roof of the latrine if the lord provids suficient funds. Then when my dad (Danny) comes to Uganda in October, we shall fix the windows and door for the church house together with him. Pr Jimmy.
for continuing progress on the Lusenke building project click on link below
Continuing progress on the yearly conference planning
Banda village, Namayingo Eastern Uganda
Planning committee for our yearly conference and Bible Drive to be held in October and November. These Pastors are expecting a large number of village Pastors to attend this conference. The focus and topic is, as always, New Testament Christianity and education regarding Western heresies and heretics assailing the Church of Africa, never forgetting the central purpose of our missions-----the distribution of native language Bibles to God's Elect.
Ground work team of Pastors, Banda Village, Namayingo October/November NTFI/BFU yearly conference.
Banda Groundwork Testimonies
On Tuesday morning after working for a whole week on the Church-house in Lusenke, I started my jouney to Banda for the October ground work meeting at 4am on a boda-boda [motorbike] from Lusenke to Kamuli about 23miles. The weather was still cool with not much dust at that time. Then board a taxi [16 passenger van] to Jinja town and another one to Bugiri and picked another boda-boda to Namayingo town 23 miles on a real dusty dusty road.
I met pastor Stephen and Hillary our hard working village meetings coordinators, at Namayingo town. Then we picked another boda-boda to Banda on another very dusty road. By the time we arrived at the meeting venue, we were full of dust, especialy me. I looked so exiosted and dirty from the head down the shoes after a hectic week in Lusenke and a long ride on boda-boda. I was welcomed with great joy together with my companions by those pastors who knew us those who have herd and believe testimonies about
When we started the meeting and I was officialy recognised and introduced to the team as the pastor, leader and bishop of BFU, Some pastors and elders who did not know me and have never heard about BFU felt so disapointed because they expecting a man dressed expensively and driving a huge and expensive car like those bishops in Kampala, but after I gave my speech and other pastors also gave testimonies about BFU we had a wonderful planning discussion.
1. We all agree that the venue will be at BUDALA Discipleship church house, Banda sub-county,
Namayingo district.
2. Date of the the conference;
Monday 20th- 24th October 2014.
3. Time; 9am-5pm daily.
4. We are expecting 200 pastors/elders to attend the conference.
The planing commitee is having another meeting on Saturday 6th. Thats when they will discuss on how much food we need for the conference and how they are going gather the food and other stuff.
After the meeting, I had a safe journey back to Entebbe Boading a boda boda to Bugiri then a taxi to Kampala then another taxi to Entebbe. I arived home at 12-midnight. I felt sick from the following day and was down for four days. Thanks for your prayers, now am doing better.
Testimonies regarding the June Conference
Yesterday morning I recieved a call from pr Katendi Hillary who was one of the organizing commitee for our June conference with a wonderful testimoney. They had a district pastors/elders meeting where pastors from the churches in Namayingo district came and the pastors/elders from the different sub-counties where we have been holding our coference testified about the great impact BFU has done in their churches and in their lives as leaders in the church of christ. BFU has opened their understanding towards the knowladge of the word of God. There has been lack of unity among pastors but pastors and churches have united again after knowing the right thing to do and also about a special gift of hundreds of the brand new high quality native and KJV bibles which they have recived from BFU. Something that has never hapened in their places before. And many other things.